Scientific Computing Center PLEIADES

Getting Access

Any member of the University of Wuppertal or other public research institutes in NRW can request access. This is enabled by a share of the ZIM, intended for scientific usage.

To apply, please consider:

  • For larger calculation projects, please send us an e-mail with your intentions and requirements.
  • If you are only interested in smaller computing projects, e.g. access to the JupyterHub, you are welcome to fill out the account application form directly and send it to us.

In the context of HPC.NRW, we wrote "Quick Reference Card" that outlines the access conditions for other researchers of public german institutes.

Access for members of involved groups

Members of involved groups only have to send the signed account request form to pleiades[at]


First Steps

A detailed description of first steps is avaible in our external Documentation. Take note of the following points:

  • `passwd`  on first login
  • Login through `fugg1` and `fugg2`
  • Login for members of the `whep` group via `higgs` and `top`

Documentation and Tutorials

The cluster documentation is available at This page describes first steps, cluster specific rules and best practices, as well as an overview of available hard- and software.

Additionally, provides a range of general guides and tutorialss, e.g.

  • Linux Introduction
  • GPU Programming
  • OpenMP Programming
  • Profiling with gprof

And much more.

Current Usage of the PLEIADES Cluster

The current usage is available on our monitoring page.
The page can only be accessed from within the university network!

Access: pleiades --> pleiades